Saturday, February 12, 2011


Hi fellow classmates!
I teach about Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll!  No kidding - I try to teach kids about making healthy choices  in our Wellness or Health classes.  I also teach FCS classes.  This year I am teaching  2 Parenting & Child Psychology classes, and 1 Food Exploration class.  My interest in content drew my into teaching when I started out.  Now, I realize that even more important than the content that I teach, is the fact that I teach kids.

My family is very important to me.  Our son and daughter are grown up, and both are living and working in California now.  That is way too far away, but they are healthy, independent, and pursuing their career dreams.  Being close is not just about physical nearness (I have to remind myself daily).  My small family unit that is physically near includes my husband, my elderly mother, and my sister.

Fun for me is getting outside.  Can you tell what my favorite winter activity is?  The deeper the snow, the more fun, but it does mean shedding warm hats and coats because you get a great work-out!  When I am not outside, I love to watch movies, read, cook, sew, play games like dominoes or Upwords or Catch Phrase.

One of my favorite restaurants is That's Life Soup in Montpelier.  I LOOOOVE soup!  Their soup is hand-crafted from scratch.  They even wash the salad greens individually for each salad!

I dearly love Vermont.  It is such a beautiful place to live.  I have not traveled very much, but I do love the water.  Lake Champlain is a gem.  I have enjoyed the beaches on both the Atlantic and the Pacific.  I was thrilled to watch dolphins when we were in California last summer.

Tell me a joke - I love to laugh, but I give the impression of being serious.  I have funny cat photos on my home page.  I really enjoy laughing with my students.  I have a lot of freshmen - they are really fun and spontaneous, and often very open with their thoughts.  They do not have as many walls up yet as they will by the time they are juniors or seniors.

I look forward to getting to know you as a new blogger friend.


1 comment:

  1. Nancy, You are a born blogger, I am so jealous! I love your introduction.
